Construction on the Fulton Ravine South Park project is underway in 2021. The estimated cost for the park amenities is $550,000. As a non-profit, we rely on donations and grants to raise money, and the good news is that SECLA has already raised most of the needed funds, thanks to hard-working volunteers and caring residents.

We’re asking for a little more of your help if possible. Your donation will go straight to work helping ensure that we can include all the amenities that are planned for the park.

If you would like a tax receipt for donations of $20 or more, payment can be made cheque payable to “City of Edmonton” with “Fulton Ravine South Park and CP-9468” on the memo line. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange for pickup of the cheque. Donations can also be mailed SECLA (PO Box 38025, RPO Capilano, Edmonton, Alberta T6A 3Y6). The attached form should also be filled out, and may be completed electronically and emailed, or printed for pickup with your donation.

For further information about the project or to assist with funding, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.