We have lots of exciting news to report! 

We are very happy to announce that we have received approval for a major grant, which will allow work to begin on the outstanding elements from the previous phase of park development – this is primarily the construction of a parking lot. We are excited that we can now work with the City in terms of final plans for construction of those outstanding elements, with on-site work likely to begin in early 2018. 

And now that we have the funds for the outstanding elements, we can get into planning for other features to include as phase 2 of development!  As mentioned in previous updates, a community survey conducted in 2016 to ask local residents what features to include in this park. Survey results have been compiled and we have prepared a report that is available on our website for review or download. 

We are still actively needing to fundraising for the park in order to move ahead with phase 2. While we do not have any fundraisers scheduled at this time, we are always looking for ideas and/ or people who would like to assist with this worthy cause.  

We welcome donations of any amount. As mentioned previously, if you would like to make a donation to the park, donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt. You can contribute to this project through a personal or business donation. Cheques must be made payable to the City of Edmonton, and must reference the "Fulton Ravine South Park project"  or the "SECLA park project". 

Cheques can be mailed to:
PO Box 38025, RPO Capilano
Edmonton, Alberta T6A 3Y6

Or if you would like someone to pick up cash or cheque donation, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 780-462-1442 (evenings)

A tax receipt will be mailed to you in time to file with your tax return.