We have some interesting results from the survey conducted in 2016.  We are still in the process of analyzing the data but here are some of the results we have found so far. We have also provided a copy of the survey to show what questions were asked.  Respondents had the choice of checking off the items of interest, and/or they could also number the items in order of priority if they wished to do so. We had 151 surveys completed. This was a combination of online surveys, and surveys completed in person.  We had a variety of venues in which the in person surveys were conducted.  Respondents included a mix of current users of the park and those who have never been to the park, and a wide variety of ages.  In addition to the responses on the items that were presented, we had quite a number of additional suggestions for ideas for the park  Hope you find the results interesting!  Once we finish the analysis, more results will be posted here, so check back soon!  The intent is to share these results with the City, and see where we can go from there.
In terms of fundraising for the park, we don't have any fundraisers scheduled at this time, but we are always looking for ideas and/ or people who would like to assist with this worthy cause.  
We welcome donations of any amount. As mentioned previously, if you would like to make a donation to the park, donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt. You can contribute to this project through a personal or business donation. Cheques must be made payable to the City of Edmonton, and must reference the "Fulton Ravine South Park project"  or the "SECLA park project".Cheques can be mailed to: SECLA
PO Box 38025, RPO Capilano
Edmonton, Alberta T6A 3Y6
Or if you would like someone to pick up cash or cheque donation, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 780-462-1442
A tax receipt will be mailed to you in time to file with your tax return.
Fulton Ravine South park - January 2017 update
Example Park Survey