We conducted the park survey over the summer and through September, concluding on October 1st. We had lots of great feedback. Thanks to everyone who participated. The results will be reviewed and summarized over the month of October. We will share the results with the City and with the community.  

We are going to hold some fundraising events over the winter to raise money to complete the parking lot which is part off the initial phase of park development (funds need to be in place for this before we can move on to other more interesting aspects of the park!) . If you have an idea for a fundraising event, or you'd like to help out, let us know. 

There will be a fun improv night on Wed Nov 23 at L'Unitheatre (8627 91 St). It will be a full-length improvised show about skateboarding.  There will also be a silent auction. Tickets available at http://kickflip.eventbrite.ca  

As mentioned previously, if you would like to make a donation to the park, donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt. You can contribute to this project through a personal or business donation. Cheques must be made payable to the City of Edmonton, and must reference the "Fulton Ravine South Park project"  or the "SECLA park project".

Cheques can be mailed to:

PO Box 38025, RPO Capilano
Edmonton, Alberta T6A 3Y6

Or if you would like someone to pick up cash or cheque donation, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 780-462-1442

A tax receipt will be mailed to you in time to file with your tax return.