-101 Ave Corridor Study
- Holyrood and Strathearn Apartment redevelopment.
- Transportation Master Plan.
The East Park Community Little League Baseball Organization is proud to announce they will be holding their winter camp this year at the new state of the art, indoor artificial turf training center at Commonwealth Community Recreation Center. This is the same turf the Edmonton Eskimos train on. This winter camp will be the first chance in the New Year for all returning and first time ball players aged 11 years and up to begin preparing for the upcoming 2013 baseball season. The coaches will be emphasizing and teaching the fundamental skills necessary to excel at the game while doing so in a fun and positive framework.
When: There will be 9 dates all on Thursday afternoons from 4:30pm till 6pm:
January 24th and 31st
February 7th, 21st and 28th
March 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th
Where: Commonwealth Community Recreation Center (55 yard artificial turf indoor field)
Cost: $100 for all 9 dates – 13.5 hours of instruction and practice with Certified Coaches
Who should attend: Any returning or new baseball player 11 years of age and older
Capacity: The camp has room for a maximum of 30 players. Register early to reserve your spot by emailing
At East Park “We’re building great kids, one ball player at a time.”
Please join us for an event celebrating our Capilano Library customers on December 4th between 2 – 4 pm. We’ll have free food, music and lots of fun. Come on out so we can celebrate what makes our community great, you! For more information call the branch at 780-496-1802
On October 29 2012 Council began considering changes to the Zoning Bylaw to implement the Residential Infill Guidelines and to allow the subdivision of 50 foot lots.
The goals of the changes are to implement design recommendations for infill housing in low density zones (such as our communities) and allow for the subdivision of 50 foot lots to smaller size lots to increase density. The changes will make more types of higher density dwelling types permitted uses in mature, low density neighbourhoods. The locations of these higher density dwellings are outlined in the infill guidelines. The changes will also allow 50 foot lots (currently one house lots) to be subdivided to permit two houses onto the same parcel of land. The changes are designed to permit, and streamline the permit process, for higher density.
When originally discussed, the residential infill guidelines were intended to give communities some assurance of where increased density would go, and what it would look like.
Council is now looking at moving some of the residential infill guidelines into the zoning bylaw and in the process are looking to amend the Mature Neighbourhood Overlay (MNO). The MNO was created to ensure that residential development in mature neighbourhoods follows the traditional character and design of the surrounding area.
Two changes to the MNO that are proposed for consideration are:
•Front Setback requirements will be greatly reduced. At present, front setback of a dwelling was to be within 1 m of the average setback on the block. The proposal is to change this so that front setback requirement will be within 2.0 m of the block and the setback shall be no less than 3.0 m and shall not be required to greater than 6.0 m. This essentially means that the front of an infill project could move closer to the street, with the intent (or possibility) of changing the block face over time ~ as infill continues to occur the houses on the block will become closer to the front street. A positive intent of this is to have more interface with the front street, and pedestrians, etc. The negative situation could arise as the change in the block face occurs ~ your house is situated 8 m back from the street at present, and your neighbour to the left does an infill and is now allowed to move the front of his dwelling an additional metre closer to the street, and he is not required to put it any further back than 6.0 metres from the street. This may not seem like a big deal until several changes start taking place over time and the block face starts to become staggered.
•Another major change that has caused some concern and been addressed in local papers are changes to permitting the protrusion of front garages in mature neighbourhoods. At present, if there is vehicular access from the front street, a garage may protrude a maximum of 1.0 m beyond the front wall of the principal building and have a maximum width of 7.3 m or 35% of the site width, whichever is less. The proposed change eliminates the 1.0 m protrusion limit, allowing the garage to protrude a distance that is characteristic for the majority of the block face, as determined by the Development Officer. It also eliminates the width size of the front garage. This essentially leaves the development officer with a lot of discretion when it comes to the development of front garages. If there is one front garage on a street, the Development Officer can make a judgement on how far a new front garage can protrude. This seems contradictory to the first intent (above) which was to interface dwellings more with street life.
At the meeting on October 29th, City Council delayed consideration of the MNO & Low Density Zone changes after hearing from several community league representatives, many who were looking for more time to learn about the changes and their impacts. Council will hear from the public at the January 28th Executive Committee meeting.
Increased density in mature neighbourhoods isn’t all bad ~ there are a lot of positives that can come from it. Some people will be opposed to increased density, while others will welcome infill housing as long as it does not negatively impact their neighbourhood. The MNO has generally been a useful tool in ensuring infill is done appropriately and within the context of the local community. I believe what is important is that communities understand what changes are being proposed, the impacts of those changes, and that they have the opportunity to provide public input into the changes. As mature neighbourhoods continue to evolve it will be important that there continue to an understanding of what the community can expect with development and change, and that they can rely on guidelines and regulations to uphold those agreed upon expectations.
On November 20 2012 an open house will be held in the lobby of City Hall regarding these and other changes being considered. Some community leagues are looking to host their own open houses to learn more about the changes, and share information about the changes with area residents. If an open house is held in the SECLA area we will post notice about it on our website www.secla.ca
Respectfully Submitted
Lori Jeffery-Heaney, Chair
Yes folks, Soccer registration for spring is coming in February! It seems far too early to think about it, but we have to start early to have everything in place for early May. Watch for more information in the next SEV or on our website (www.southeastsoccer.ca) for dates and times for your local and zone-wide registrations.
Each community with an active soccer program will have local registration dates and we will have a zone-wide late registration in late February or early March.
Some of our communities have no soccer director and if no one can help out, the U6, U8 and other players in those communities will not be having any “home” games. Check your community website and if you’re interested, contact your Community League President or the ESESA Office (
See you all in February!
Open house at City Hall regarding 50 foot wide lot subdivision and low density zone amendments.
TUESDAY, NOVember 20 2012 †4:00 - 7:30 PM
The following = is a summary of the major changes prepared by the Edmonton Federation of Communi= ty Leagues (EFCL)
Major Changes to Mature Neighbourhood Overlay & Low Density Zones
October 29, 2012 Public Hearing DELAYED
Agenda Item 3.11, Bylaw16271
Mature Neighbourhoods Overlay (MNO)- the special regulations for infill housing
1. Fronts of buildings no longer required to generally align with the building= s on the block. Front setbacks can be between 3 - 6 m (Front Setbacks in mature neighbourhoods are commonly 8 - 12 m).
Impacts: reduced sightlines, front yard shadowing, reduced number and size of front & yard trees
2. Rear yards can be 7.5 m deep, as opposed to the present 40% of lot depth (typically 12m to 20 m)
Impacts: allows monster homes, creates excessive shadowing & loss of privacy for neighbours; loss of backyard amenity space;
3. Front garage width & protrusion regulations removed, thus allowing large suburban-style protruding garages, particularly where one already exists on the block
Impacts: less pedestrian-friendly streetscape, loss of mature neighbourhood character
4. Decreased opportunities for community & neighbor consultations regarding high impact infill
Low Density Zones
1. Lot width and lot size requirements reduced. Lots as small as 50 feet wide may be subdivided. Lots which were previously too small for higher density housing may now be large enough.
2. Increased density & different forms of housing allowed on certain locations (recommended by infill guidelines) without having to re-zone or, in most cases, consult neighbours & the Community League:
RF1 (Single Detached Residential Zone)
- Semi-detached Housing allowed as a Discretionary Use on corner Sites, on arterial roads, and where the Site abuts existing Duplex or Semi-detached Housing, Row Housing , Apartments or commercial zones
RF2 (Low Density Infill Zone)
- Semi-Detached housing Permitted on certain locations (same as above)
- Duplexes Permitted on all locations
RF3 (Small Scale Infill Zone)
- Apartment Housing, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing Permitted on certain locations (as above)
RF4 (Semi-detached Residential Zone)
- Duplex Housing Permitted on all locations
3. Location criteria for different forms of housing moved to the Development Regulations section. Potential impact - allows the Cityís Development Officer to vary the location criteria, thus allowing different forms of housing in additional locations without having to go to Council for rezoning.
For details go to the Oct 29, 2012 Public Hearing agenda on the city website and click on Agenda Item 3.11 to get documents.
As part of a move to encourage citizens to embrace and engage in winter, the City of Edmonton is leading the development of a new WinterCity Strategy to highlight Edmonton as a leading winter city. This strategy is about changing how many of us feel about winter – from enduring to embracing it.
It's about how we can create a city where people want to be outside on sunny winter days because there are inviting, vibrant public spaces with activities and comfortable places to gather. It's about using light to create warmth and luminescence during long winter days and using snow as a resource, for things like wind barriers and ongoing public sculpture activities. For more information click here: http://www.edmonton.ca/city_government/initiatives_innovation/wintercity-strategy.aspx
Sunday, September 30, 2012
To show our appreciation to you, our customers, select City-operated facilities will offer free admission and special activities from 10am-6pm on Sunday, September 30, 2012.
Donations to the Edmonton Food Bank are gratefully accepted.
We look forward to seeing you!
We want to hear from you! A public opinion survey on the future of food and agriculture in Edmonton is now being conducted. The survey is one of the tools we are using to gather input from citizens for the development of a food and agriculture strategy. The survey closes on June 23, 2012. Those who participate in the survey have a chance to win an iPod Touch!
The survey is available now at www.edmonton.ca/FoodandAg . Please distribute to your contacts, friends and networks.
Along with the survey we have also posted to our project webpage some new background research materials on the role of food and agriculture in Edmonton, and how other cities in North America are promoting and encouraging local food and agriculture. Please give those a read as well.
And for those who missed our successful Food in the City Conference, videos of the main presentations are now available in our project Video Gallery. You will also be able to view videos of the Citizen Panel discussions, one of the other methods we have used to gather the ideas of Edmontonians. The Video Gallery is available at www.edmonton.ca/FoodandAg
Food and Agriculture Project Team
Twitter #yegfoodag
Regional Planning issues have been a focus of SECLA. SECLA becomes in planning issues at invitation of member leagues. Past planning issues we have been involved in include:
-101 Ave Corridor Study
- Holyrood and Strathearn Apartment redevelopment.
- Transportation Master Plan.
- Update of South East Area Plan in 2004 for the current 10 members. Approved for information by Edmonton Planning Department
- As part of the Area Plan update we did “The South East Community Leagues Association Community Green Map for 2003.” Planning and Policy Services of the Planning and Development of the City of Edmonton, Federation of Alberta Naturalists and the international Green Map System provided funding and support for the project. Website and newspaper produced. www.ecrcm.fanweb.ca
This endeavor lead to the Capital Atlas Project for the Edmonton Region (CAPMAP) This project included The Cities of Edmonton and St. Albert and the four surrounding Counties. Website: www.capmap.fanweb.ca
- Community and Industry Response to First Pro Shopping Centres and Lambton Industrial rezoning. (50th st and 90th ave) 2006 SECLA brought together Strathcona Industrial Association, Edmonton Economic Development Corporation, County of Strathcona, King’s University College, City of Edmonton Planning Services as well as numerous other businesses and organizations.
- LRT extension planning participation.
- Urban Parks Management Advisory Committee.
- Senior’s planning forums.